What’s ATRIUM suite ?

Our ATRIUM suite is your dedicated platform

We deploy the Atrium suite platform in order to benefit a unique tool to centralize, communicate and report on each clinical study. Across all our activities, you will easily and quickly find the information you need to follow your clinical trial.

Access your study data in real time and save time by reporting one unique and integrated solution.

Thanks to the ATRIUM suite, you benefit from :

Centralization of data from your different sites

real-time reporting and completion of your study

on-line query management system

ensure complete securiNG of data transfer

Data analytics

All results and outlines are available in real time to ensure the safety of your study.

We provide you information and answers to allow you to adapt your process and take decisions accordingly.

You save time, doubts, and additional costs.


ATRIUM suite enables every stakeholder to access the necessary information he or she needs.

Your team stays focused on main targets and reduces time-consuming exchanges. Your dedicated project manager monitors with you the progress of your study thanks to dashboards and KPIs available in the platform.


Our team is available 24/7/365 to answer your questions in up to 12 languages about the ATRIUM suite and help you get the best outcomes from the system.
